Week #9

Hook: My teaching ‘PERSONA’

This week you will examine how digital identity connects to your teaching persona as well as how to project your persona in positive ways to help build future job related endeavours. The challenges, particularly in this time of a global pandemic, has altered of roles and perspectives for teachers. Building connections with colleagues from around the world has never been more important. This course may be an essential starting point. Review and reflect on the course content, activities and learning and consider how you can capture and collate this experience as a critically digitally literate educator. Consider how you can share these experiences as part of your professional practice.

Direct Instruction

Readings, Viewing, and Listening

Week 9 podcast

Guided Practice

How has your understanding about critical digital literacy changed as a result of the readings, activities and conversations? What are some critical digital literacy skills you have acquired?

Where will you begin when you go out to your next placement experience? What skills do you hope to improve as a result of this work? 

Review and reflect on your critical digital literacies in light of the topics in this course. Jot down key words and concepts that you hope to remember. Think about the connections from topics and ideas. Now, consider the final digital creation that will share your reflections as you move into the independent practice activity.

Choice of an activity that could be included as part of your Part 5 reflection

CHOICE: option one

WORD CLOUD – Create a word cloud to represent your professional and personal critical digital literacy skills. Review the course site and your Inquiry Project. Include words that identify your critical digital fluencies, skills, tools, attributes and issues into your word cloud creation.  Include this word cloud image (saving as a PNG file) into your A2 Part 5 Reflection.

Search for Word Cloud Generators OR use Word Art [free account] to create your graphic image.

OR…. Choice: Option two

VISUAL POSTER – Create a visual poster incorporating elements from your Inquiry Project and  your teaching persona, modelling how it exemplifies your critical digital literacies. These do not need to be done electronically but should be shared in Google Chat within your group space. This should be included in your A2 Part 5: Reflection.

Independent Practice

  • While there is NO written post in D2L this week, you can share your word cloud, visual poster, concept map, or sketchnote in D2L to share with others.
  • Complete and submit Part 5: Reflection and self assessment of Inquiry as the conclusion to your inquiry project. Post your final document in D2L.

Wrap Up – review of FINAL TASKS and REFLECTIONS

Enjoy one final reflection about teaching and learning with a critical lens. Take a moment to review and finalize your Grade Grid. This will be verified and confirmed by your instructor, in their role as a FOLE for this course.