Video and Presentations

Creating presentations and recording video can be incorporated into your teaching in a variety of ways, beyond using Powerpoint and/or Google slides. Here are some that you may like to explore and try as part of your inquiry project and/or weekly tasks in this course. Posting video to either YouTube or Vimeo allows others to access and view your presentation.

iMovie – This is my ‘go-to-tool’ and is available on all iOS (Mac / Apple) computers as part of the operating suite of tools. If you haven’t tried this yet, now is the time to tinker and play. There are version differences so make sure you are viewing tutorials for the version you are using. Here’s one example tutorial designed for teachers beginning with iMovie iOS – How to Use iMovie Designed for Beginners from Teacher’s Tech. I use iMovie along with the free iOS screen-capture software Quicktime to produce the show & share videos you will see in this course.

We Video

You can sign up for We Video for free but will be limited to a 30 day trial period, BUT if are interesting in trying this while you registered in this course and may have time to tinker and play, PLEASE ASK your instructor for full account access through her educator account. This would be a great tool to use for your Inquiry Project presentation due in Week 7 or the reflection on your inquiry project due in week 9. Ask your GA for a quick, short, Zoom session to show/share how to use We Video but also locate tutorial videos to ‘code break’ this resource, such as this We Video Tutorial with Justin Brown (26:38).

Adobe Spark – EDU

This creation tool is free to educators to use. Check out all the options and opportunities at Adobe Spark for Education. There are templates to make production easy and intuitive.

Powtoon for Education

Be sure to link to Powtoon for Education since this product supports educators with additional features not available to public users. Keep in mind that any free version has limitations in templates and tools available so consider this a beginners kit for animation video production. Check it out for your inquiry project presentation.

Animoto for Education

Again, be sure to sign up for an Animoto for Education account since this provides a few additional options not included in the freemium account available to public users.

Apps for that!

Look for apps that integrate on multiple platforms so it isn’t dependent on the type of technology you and your students will use in the classroom or at home. Each school board may have some or all of these tools available, so consider this a beginners list of technologies for teachers.

Be aware that these may not be available for use in schools where you will teach, or may not be appropriate but may be of interest for your own digital explorations.