Audio and Podcasting

Here you can explore digital tools to record audio files, consider locations to post and store audio files, and connect / listen to some audio recordings relevant to education and educators.


This is one of my ‘go-to’ audio capture tools. This is FREE, open access software that can be downloaded and used to create audio files in a variety of formats including mp3 files. This tool can be used when recording student voices, readings,

Audacity Manual and Tutorials


Conference Presentation – Sounds Abound (Googles slides) – this is a presentation that shares a multitude of tips and resources. [Presentation by Helen DeWaard and Steven Secord].

These presentation notes are a rich resource with links to audio recording tools, free sounds and music resources, and tips about recording audio for podcasts and student recordings.

Soundcloud – audio upload, file storage, and sharing

Audio Recordings for Educators

The following podcasts are listed from a recent article in Professionally Speaking, the magazine for Ontario Educators put out by the College of Teachers. This publication is worth checking out since it often promotes apps, tech, and other related topics relevant for critical digital literacies.